How to Develop an iOS App with Blocking Native Apps and Installed Apps: A Comprehensive Guide
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How to Develop an iOS App with Blocking Native Apps and Installed Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you an aspiring iOS developer looking to create an app that can block native apps and installed apps on an iPhone or iPad? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to develop an iOS app with blocking capabilities. We’ll cover the necessary tools, frameworks, and code snippets to get you started.

Understanding the Concept of Blocking Native Apps and Installed Apps

Before we dive into the development process, let’s understand what we’re trying to achieve. Blocking native apps and installed apps means preventing users from accessing certain apps on their device. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • Parental control: Parents may want to block certain apps to limit their child’s screen time or access to mature content.
  • Enterprise security: Companies may want to block unauthorized apps to protect sensitive data and maintain network security.
  • Focus-enhancing tools: Apps that help users stay focused on work or study by blocking distracting apps.

Prerequisites and Tools Required

To develop an iOS app with blocking capabilities, you’ll need the following:

  • Xcode 12 or later
  • iOS 14 or later
  • Swift 5 or later
  • iOS Developer Account
  • Familiarity with Swift programming language and iOS development

Step 1: Create a New iOS Project in Xcode

Launch Xcode and create a new iOS project by selecting “Single View App” under the iOS section.

// Choose a project name, team, and organization identifier
// Select "Swift" as the language and "Storyboard" as the user interface

Step 2: Configure the Project Settings

In the project settings, enable the “Device Management” capability to access the device’s installed apps.

// In the target settings, go to "Capabilities" and toggle on "Device Management"

Step 3: Import the Required Frameworks

Import the following frameworks to interact with the device’s installed apps and native apps:

import UIKit
import DeviceManagement
import MobileDevice

Step 4: Get a List of Installed Apps

Use the `MDQuery` class to retrieve a list of installed apps on the device.

let query = MDQuery.create()
query.predicate = NSPredicate(value: true)
query.scope = .user
let installedApps = try! query.execute()

Step 5: Block Native Apps and Installed Apps

Use the `MDAppRestriction` class to block native apps and installed apps. You can block apps by their bundle identifiers or names.

// Block a native app (e.g., Safari)
let safariRestriction = MDAppRestriction(bundleIdentifier: "")
safariRestriction.restrictionType = .block
try! DeviceManagement.shared.setAppRestrictions([safariRestriction])

// Block an installed app (e.g., Facebook)
let facebookRestriction = MDAppRestriction(bundleIdentifier: "com.facebook.Facebook")
facebookRestriction.restrictionType = .block
try! DeviceManagement.shared.setAppRestrictions([facebookRestriction])

Step 6: Handle App Blocking Requests

Implement the `MDAppRestrictionDelegate` protocol to handle app blocking requests.

func appRestriction(_ restriction: MDAppRestriction, didChangeState state: MDAppRestrictionState) {
    switch state {
    case .blocked:
        print("App blocked: \(restriction.bundleIdentifier)")
    case .unblocked:
        print("App unblocked: \(restriction.bundleIdentifier)")
        print("App restriction state unknown")

Step 7: Test and Debug Your App

Test your app on a physical device or simulator to ensure it’s working as expected. Use the Xcode debugger to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Step 8: Prepare for App Store Submission

Before submitting your app to the App Store, ensure you’ve met Apple’s guidelines and review criteria.

In particular, you’ll need to provide a clear explanation of how your app uses the Device Management framework and how it blocks native apps and installed apps.

Guideline Description
2.5.1 Software should be free from bugs and provide a good user experience.
5.1.1 Apps must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
5.2.1 Apps must not harm the device or its users.


Developing an iOS app with blocking native apps and installed apps requires careful planning and execution. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve taken the first step in creating a powerful tool that can help users manage their app usage.

Remember to stay up-to-date with Apple’s guidelines and review criteria to ensure your app complies with the latest regulations.

Good luck, and happy coding!

Note: This article is for educational purposes only and should not be used to create malicious apps that violate users’ privacy or security. Always ensure your app complies with Apple’s guidelines and review criteria.Here are 5 questions and answers about developing an iOS app that blocks native apps and installed apps:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about developing an iOS app that blocks native apps and installed apps.

Q1: What is the main challenge in developing an iOS app that blocks native apps and installed apps?

The main challenge is that Apple has strict guidelines and restrictions on app development, and blocking native apps and installed apps requires permissions and access to system-level features that are not readily available to developers.

Q2: How can I block native apps and installed apps on an iOS device?

To block native apps and installed apps, you can use Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions or Enterprise iOS features that allow you to restrict access to certain apps and features on a supervised device. You can also use third-party libraries and frameworks that provide app blocking capabilities.

Q3: What are the iOS frameworks and APIs that can be used to block native apps and installed apps?

Some of the iOS frameworks and APIs that can be used to block native apps and installed apps include the Device Management framework, the App Management framework, and the Screen Time API. Additionally, you can use third-party libraries such as AppBlocker and AppLocker.

Q4: Can I block native apps and installed apps on a non-jailbroken iOS device?

No, blocking native apps and installed apps on a non-jailbroken iOS device is not possible without using MDM solutions or Enterprise iOS features that require supervision and configuration. Jailbreaking an iOS device can provide more flexibility, but it is not recommended as it can compromise the device’s security and stability.

Q5: Are there any limitations and considerations when developing an iOS app that blocks native apps and installed apps?

Yes, there are several limitations and considerations when developing an iOS app that blocks native apps and installed apps, including compliance with Apple’s App Store guidelines, ensuring user privacy and security, and considering the potential impact on the user experience. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the app’s purpose and functionality to ensure it meets Apple’s review guidelines and user expectations.