clang-format: How to Wrap Braces Only for Empty Body of Functions/if/for/while/etc.
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clang-format: How to Wrap Braces Only for Empty Body of Functions/if/for/while/etc.

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Are you tired of manually formatting your code to wrap braces only for empty bodies of functions, if statements, for loops, and while loops? Do you wish there was a way to automate this process and keep your code looking neat and clean? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore how to use clang-format to wrap braces only for empty bodies of functions and control structures.

What is clang-format?

clang-format is a tool developed by the LLVM Project that allows you to format your C, C++, Java, JavaScript, and other programming languages’ code according to a set of rules and styles. It’s an indispensable tool for developers who want to maintain a consistent coding style throughout their projects. With clang-format, you can easily enforce a specific coding style, making it easier to collaborate with others and maintain large codebases.

Why Wrap Braces Only for Empty Bodies?

Wrapping braces only for empty bodies of functions and control structures is a common coding style used in many programming languages. It’s essential to maintain a consistent coding style throughout your project, and wrapping braces only for empty bodies helps to:

  • Improve code readability by making it easier to distinguish between empty and non-empty bodies.
  • Reduce visual clutter and make your code more concise.
  • Enhance collaboration by following a consistent coding style throughout your project.

Configuring clang-format for Wrapping Braces

To configure clang-format to wrap braces only for empty bodies, you’ll need to create a `.clang-format` file in the root directory of your project. This file contains the configuration settings for clang-format.

# .clang-format file
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
TabWidth: 4
IndentWidth: 4
BreakBeforeBraces: All
   AfterEnum: false
   AfterStruct: false
   AfterFunction: false
   AfterNamespace: false
   AfterUnion: false
   AfterClass: false
   AfterControlStatement: true
   AfterFunc: true
   AfterStmt: true
   AfterCatch: false
   AfterLambda: false
   AfterAnonymousStruct: false

In the above configuration file, we’ve set `BreakBeforeBraces` to `All`, which tells clang-format to wrap braces around empty bodies. We’ve also set `BraceWrapping` to `true` for `AfterControlStatement` and `AfterFunc`, which specifically targets control structures and functions.

Understanding the Configuration Options

In the `.clang-format` file, we’ve used the following configuration options:

  • `BasedOnStyle`: This option sets the base coding style to LLVM, which provides a set of default formatting rules.
  • `TabWidth` and `IndentWidth`: These options set the tab width and indentation width to 4 spaces.
  • `BreakBeforeBraces`: This option controls when to wrap braces around empty bodies. Setting it to `All` means that clang-format will wrap braces around all empty bodies.
  • `BraceWrapping`: This option controls the wrapping of braces for specific constructs. We’ve set it to `true` for `AfterControlStatement` and `AfterFunc` to target control structures and functions.

Examples of Wrapped Braces

Now that we’ve configured clang-format to wrap braces only for empty bodies, let’s take a look at some examples:

Before clang-format After clang-format
if (condition) {
if (condition) {}
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {}
void myFunction() {
void myFunction() {}

As you can see, clang-format has successfully wrapped the braces only for the empty bodies of the control structures and functions.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you get the most out of clang-format:

  • Use the `clang-format-diff` command to view the differences between your original code and the formatted code. This can help you review the changes made by clang-format.
  • clang-format supports a wide range of programming languages, including C, C++, Java, JavaScript, and more. Experiment with different languages to see how clang-format can help you maintain a consistent coding style.


In this article, we've explored how to use clang-format to wrap braces only for empty bodies of functions and control structures. By configuring clang-format with the right options and understanding how it works, you can maintain a consistent coding style throughout your project and improve code readability. Remember to experiment with different configuration options and explore the many features of clang-format to get the most out of this powerful tool.

So, the next time you're working on a project, don't forget to configure clang-format to wrap those braces and keep your code looking neat and clean!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: What is the difference between `BreakBeforeBraces` and `BraceWrapping`?

    A: `BreakBeforeBraces` controls when to wrap braces around empty bodies, while `BraceWrapping` controls the wrapping of braces for specific constructs.

  2. Q: Can I configure clang-format to wrap braces for all control structures, including `if`, `for`, `while`, and `switch`?

    A: Yes, you can! Simply set `BraceWrapping` to `true` for `AfterControlStatement` and clang-format will wrap braces for all control structures.

  3. Q: How do I apply clang-format to a specific directory or project?

    A: You can apply clang-format to a specific directory or project by creating a `.clang-format` file in the root directory and running the `clang-format` command with the `-i` option.

We hope this article has helped you master the art of wrapping braces only for empty bodies of functions and control structures with clang-format. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Mastering the art of code formatting with clang-format? Get the answers to your most pressing questions about wrapping braces for empty bodies of functions, if statements, for loops, and more!

How do I configure clang-format to wrap braces only for empty function bodies?

To wrap braces only for empty function bodies, you can use the `EmptyFunctionBodyIndentation` option in your `.clang-format` file. Set it to `Indent` to enable wrapping, or `None` to disable it. For example: `EmptyFunctionBodyIndentation: Indent`. This will ensure that clang-format wraps braces around empty function bodies, making your code more readable and consistent.

Can I configure clang-format to wrap braces for empty if statements as well?

Yes, you can! To wrap braces for empty if statements, use the `EmptyStatementIndentation` option in your `.clang-format` file. Set it to `Indent` to enable wrapping, or `None` to disable it. For example: `EmptyStatementIndentation: Indent`. This will apply to empty if, else, for, and while statements, ensuring consistent formatting throughout your codebase.

How do I exclude certain types of statements from brace wrapping?

To exclude certain types of statements from brace wrapping, you can use the ` BraceWrapping` option in your `.clang-format` file. For example, to exclude for loops, you can add `ForLoop: false` under the `BraceWrapping` section. This will prevent clang-format from wrapping braces around empty for loops. You can customize this option to suit your specific needs and coding style.

Can I configure clang-format to wrap braces for empty bodies of specific functions only?

Not exactly, but you can use a workaround! You can create a custom style for specific functions using the `FunctionMacro` option in your `.clang-format` file. For example, to wrap braces around empty bodies of functions starting with `my_", you can add `FunctionMacro: [{'function': 'my_.*', 'brace_wrapping_after_control_statement': true}]`. This approach requires some creativity, but it allows for granular control over brace wrapping.

Is there a way to visualize and test my clang-format configuration?

Yes, there is! You can use the `clang-format -dump-config` command to output your current configuration in a human-readable format. This allows you to visualize and debug your configuration. Additionally, you can use the `clang-format -style=file` command to test your configuration on a sample file, ensuring that your formatting rules are applied correctly. This is an essential step in mastering clang-format and achieving consistent code formatting.