Solving the Mystery of Jetty tmp Multipart Files Not Being Deleted After Upload
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Solving the Mystery of Jetty tmp Multipart Files Not Being Deleted After Upload

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky tmp files clogging up your server after uploading files with Jetty? You’re not alone! The issue of Jetty tmp multipart files not being deleted after upload is a common problem that has plagued many developers. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of Jetty configuration and Java coding to solve this vexing issue once and for all.

The Problem: Jetty tmp Multipart Files Not Being Deleted

When you upload a file using Jetty’s multipart support, the framework creates a temporary file in the tmp directory to store the uploaded content. This is a normal and necessary step in the file upload process. However, sometimes these tmp files don’t get deleted after the upload is complete, leaving your server cluttered with unnecessary files.

So, why does this happen? There are a few reasons why Jetty tmp multipart files might not be deleted after upload:

  • Improper configuration of the Jetty server
  • Incorrect implementation of the multipart upload handler
  • File system permissions issues
  • Buggy code or libraries

Understanding Jetty’s Multipart Support

MultipartConfig class. This class provides a way to configure the multipart upload process, including the location of the tmp directory and the maximum file size.
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultipartConfig;

MultipartConfig config = new MultipartConfig();
config.setLocation("/tmp"); // Set the tmp directory
config.setMaxFileSize(1024 * 1024); // Set the maximum file size to 1MB

The MultipartConfig class also provides a way to customize the multipart upload handler using the setMultiPartHandler method.

import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultipartConfig;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultiPartHandler;

MultipartConfig config = new MultipartConfig();
config.setMultiPartHandler(new MultiPartHandler() {
  public void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
    // Custom multipart upload handler implementation

Solution 1: Configure Jetty to Delete Tmp Files

The first solution involves configuring Jetty to delete the tmp files automatically after the upload is complete. This can be done by setting the deleteFiles property to true in the MultipartConfig class.

import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultipartConfig;

MultipartConfig config = new MultipartConfig();
config.setDeleteFiles(true); // Set deleteFiles to true

This configuration tells Jetty to delete the tmp files after the upload is complete. However, this solution might not work if you’re using a custom multipart upload handler or if there are file system permissions issues.

Solution 2: Implement a Custom Multipart Upload Handler

The second solution involves implementing a custom multipart upload handler that deletes the tmp files explicitly. This can be done by extending the MultiPartHandler class and overriding the handle method.

import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultiPartHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultipartConfig;

public class CustomMultiPartHandler extends MultiPartHandler {
  public void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
    // Handle the multipart upload
    File tmpFile = (File) request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.multipart tempfile");
    if (tmpFile != null) {
      tmpFile.delete(); // Delete the tmp file explicitly

In this example, the custom multipart upload handler deletes the tmp file explicitly after the upload is complete. This solution provides more control over the upload process and can be used in conjunction with the first solution.

Solution 3: Use a Scheduled Task to Delete Tmp Files

The third solution involves using a scheduled task to delete the tmp files periodically. This can be done using a Java-based scheduler like Quartz or a system-level scheduler like cron.

import org.quartz.Job;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionException;

public class DeleteTmpFilesJob implements Job {
  public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
    File tmpDir = new File("/tmp");
    File[] files = tmpDir.listFiles();
    for (File file : files) {
      file.delete(); // Delete the tmp file

In this example, the scheduled task uses the Quartz scheduler to delete the tmp files every hour. This solution is useful if you can’t delete the tmp files immediately after upload, but still want to keep your server clean.


Solving the issue of Jetty tmp multipart files not being deleted after upload requires a combination of configuration, coding, and creativity. By understanding how Jetty’s multipart support works and implementing one or more of the solutions outlined above, you can keep your server clean and free of unnecessary files.

Remember, when it comes to file uploads, configuration is key. Make sure to test your implementation thoroughly and monitor your server’s performance to ensure that your solution is working as expected.

Solution Description Pros Cons
Configure Jetty to Delete Tmp Files Set deleteFiles to true in MultipartConfig Easy to implement, works with default multipart handler Might not work with custom multipart handlers or file system permissions issues
Implement a Custom Multipart Upload Handler Extend MultiPartHandler and delete tmp files explicitly Provides more control over the upload process, works with custom multipart handlers Requires coding and testing, might be complex to implement
Use a Scheduled Task to Delete Tmp Files Use a scheduler to delete tmp files periodically Works independently of the multipart upload process, can be used with any scheduler Might not delete tmp files immediately, requires additional configuration and testing

We hope this article has provided you with the knowledge and inspiration to tackle the issue of Jetty tmp multipart files not being deleted after upload. Remember to stay curious, keep exploring, and always test your code thoroughly!

Here are 5 FAQs about “Jetty tmp Multipart files not being deleted after upload” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Jetty tmp multipart files not being deleted after upload? We’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to find the solution to your problem.

What causes Jetty tmp multipart files not to be deleted after upload?

This issue usually occurs when the application doesn’t properly close the multipart requests, leaving the tmp files behind. It can also be caused by incorrect configuration of the Jetty server or the application itself.

How do I configure Jetty to automatically delete tmp files?

You can configure Jetty to automatically delete tmp files by setting the `multipart.cleanupThreshold` property in your `jetty.xml` file. This property specifies the maximum number of tmp files to keep before cleaning up. You can also set `multipart.tmpDir` to a directory where tmp files will be stored and automatically deleted.

What is the default tmp directory for Jetty multipart files?

The default tmp directory for Jetty multipart files is usually `/tmp/jetty-merged-XXXXXX` (on Unix-like systems) or `System.getProperty(“”)/jetty-merged-XXXXXX` (on Windows). You can change this directory by setting the `multipart.tmpDir` property.

Can I manually delete the tmp files after upload?

Yes, you can manually delete the tmp files after upload by using the `File` class in Java. However, this approach is not recommended as it can lead to file system inconsistencies and errors. It’s better to configure Jetty to automatically delete tmp files or use a library that handles multipart requests properly.

How do I troubleshoot Jetty tmp file deletion issues?

To troubleshoot Jetty tmp file deletion issues, check your Jetty server logs for errors, verify that the multipart requests are being closed properly, and ensure that the tmp directory has the correct permissions. You can also use a debugger to step through the code and identify the issue.