Mastering the Correct Usage of @Observable and @MainActor in Swift
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Mastering the Correct Usage of @Observable and @MainActor in Swift

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Are you tired of dealing with complex concurrency issues in your Swift app? Do you struggle to understand the correct usage of @Observable and @MainActor? Well, you’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of concurrency management in Swift, and provide you with clear instructions on how to use these powerful attributes to write safer, more efficient, and more readable code.

@Observable: The Key to Reactive Programming

Before we dive into the correct usage of @Observable, let’s first understand what it’s all about. @Observable is a property wrapper in Swift that allows you to create observable properties that can be monitored for changes. This is a fundamental concept in reactive programming, which is all about handling asynchronous data streams in a declarative way.

Think of an observable property as a broadcast station that sends notifications to its subscribers whenever its value changes. This allows you to write code that responds to changes in your data in a much more elegant and efficient way.

Declaring an @Observable Property

To declare an @Observable property, you simply need to add the @Observable attribute to a property declaration. Here’s an example:

@Observable var userName: String = ""

In this example, the `userName` property is now an observable property that can be monitored for changes. You can subscribe to this property using a variety of methods, which we’ll cover later in this article.

@MainActor: The Guardian of the Main Thread

Now that we’ve covered @Observable, let’s move on to @MainActor. @MainActor is a global actor in Swift that represents the main thread of your app. Any code that runs on the main thread is said to be running on the main actor.

The main actor is responsible for updating the user interface, handling user input, and performing other tasks that require access to the main thread. Because the main thread is a single-threaded environment, it’s essential to ensure that only one piece of code runs on it at a time. This is where @MainActor comes in.

#MainActor is used to annotate functions, methods, or properties that should only be accessed from the main thread. This ensures that your code is thread-safe and prevents concurrency issues that can lead to crashes or unexpected behavior.

Declaring a @MainActor Function

To declare a function that runs on the main actor, you simply need to add the @MainActor attribute to the function declaration. Here’s an example:

@MainActor func updateUI() {
    // Update the user interface

In this example, the `updateUI()` function is annotated with @MainActor, which means it should only be called from the main thread. If you try to call this function from a background thread, the compiler will throw an error.

Correct Usage of @Observable and @MainActor

Now that we’ve covered the basics of @Observable and @MainActor, let’s explore some best practices for using them in your Swift code.

Combining @Observable and @MainActor

One of the most powerful combinations in Swift is using @Observable and @MainActor together. By annotating an observable property with @MainActor, you can ensure that updates to the property are always propagated to the main thread.

@MainActor @Observable var userInput: String = ""

func processUserInput() {
    // Process the user input on a background thread {
        // ...
        self.userInput = "New value"

In this example, the `userInput` property is both an observable property and a main actor property. When the `processUserInput()` function updates the `userInput` property on a background thread, the update is automatically propagated to the main thread, ensuring that the user interface is updated correctly.

Using @Observable with Async/Await

Another powerful combination is using @Observable with async/await. By using async/await to update an observable property, you can write asynchronous code that’s both readable and efficient.

@Observable var data: [String] = []

func fetchData() async {
    // Fetch data from a remote API
    let newData = await fetchAPI()
    data = newData

In this example, the `fetchData()` function uses async/await to fetch data from a remote API and update the observable `data` property. Because the `data` property is an observable property, subscribers to the property will be notified automatically when the data is updated.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

When using @Observable and @MainActor, it’s essential to avoid common pitfalls that can lead to concurrency issues or unexpected behavior.

  • Avoid updating @MainActor properties from background threads: Remember to only update @MainActor properties from the main thread, or use a dispatch queue to ensure thread safety.
  • Avoid observing @Observable properties from background threads: Make sure to observe @Observable properties from the main thread, or use a dispatch queue to ensure thread safety.
  • Avoid using @Observable properties as singletons: Avoid using @Observable properties as singletons, as this can lead to concurrency issues and unexpected behavior. Instead, use a shared instance or a dedicated class to manage your observable properties.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the correct usage of @Observable and @MainActor in Swift. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can write safer, more efficient, and more readable code that takes advantage of Swift’s powerful concurrency features.

Remember to use @Observable to create reactive properties that can be monitored for changes, and @MainActor to ensure that code runs on the main thread. By combining these two attributes, you can write code that’s both asynchronous and thread-safe.

Happy coding!

Attribute Description
@Observable Declares a property as observable, allowing it to be monitored for changes.
@MainActor Declares a function, method, or property as running on the main thread, ensuring thread safety.
  1. Apple Documentation: @Observable
  2. Apple Documentation: @MainActor
  3. The Swift Programming Language

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of concurrency with these FAQs on the correct usage of @Observable and @MainActor!

What is the purpose of the @Observable annotation?

The @Observable annotation is used to mark a property or method as observable, which means that it can be observed for changes by other parts of the app. This is particularly useful when working with Combine, as it allows you to create publishers that notify subscribers when the observed value changes.

When should I use @MainActor instead of @Observable?

You should use @MainActor when you need to ensure that a specific code block or function is executed on the main thread. This is crucial when working with UI-related code, as it prevents UI updates from being performed on a background thread, which can lead to unexpected behavior or crashes. In contrast, @Observable is used to notify observers about changes to a property or method.

Can I use @Observable and @MainActor together?

Yes, you can use @Observable and @MainActor together! In fact, it’s common to use @Observable to notify observers about changes to a property, and then use @MainActor to ensure that the observer’s code is executed on the main thread. This guarantees that UI updates are performed safely and correctly.

What happens if I forget to use @MainActor when updating the UI?

If you forget to use @MainActor when updating the UI, you may encounter unexpected behavior, crashes, or even app termination! This is because the UI can only be updated on the main thread, and using @MainActor ensures that your code is executed on the correct thread. Always remember to use @MainActor when updating the UI to avoid these issues!

Are @Observable and @MainActor only used with Combine?

No, @Observable and @MainActor are not exclusive to Combine! While they are often used with Combine, they are actually part of the Swift concurrency framework and can be used independently of Combine. @Observable is used for observation, and @MainActor is used for thread safety, making them valuable tools in any Swift app!

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